Fox Translation Services Published Book Translation

Getting your published book translated into other languages is a great way to grow your book sales and reach a wider audience!  According to Statista, some of the fastest-growing markets right now are Mexico, Spain, and France.  Our team of specialized translators can translate your book into the respective languages and distinct dialects for each country/region that you want to expand your book sales into.

Get on the path to becoming an international best-seller with your book translated into as many languages as you like!  Our team of specialized translators can translate into over 125 languages.

Translate your published book today

What We Do

If you're ready to connect with new readers, sell more books, and develop your author brand and global footprint, then here are four steps to translate your book:

1. Let us know which languages and/or dialects you wish to have your book translated into

2. We'll have a preliminary discussion about expectations and desired outcome

3. Agree on the scope of the translation work

4. We'll start translating the contents of your book


What You Do

  1. Find out where the strongest markets are for your book category (we recommend using Publisher Rocket for marketing your published book)
  2. Once the book is translated it will need to be formatted and published in the new market using the translated edition (we recommend using The Writers Tree)

Our Translation Team

Fox Translation Services takes a total quality approach in the recruitment, training and management of its personnel. Individual translators have professional work experience and proficiency in writing, speaking and understanding the targeted language, with credentials validated through target languages' certification/education.

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